The Ringing In Your Ears: Dealing With Tinnitus
Do you experience a sort of ringing in your ears? Maybe this ringing is constant, or perhaps it comes and goes. Known as tinnitus, ringing in the ears is often caused by damage to the tiny, delicate hairs in your inner ears. These hairs may be bent or broken, which causes them to send faulty messages to your brain, leading to the perceived ringing sound. Tinnitus can be more than a little annoying, so if you suffer from it, you should definitely talk to your doctor about treatment options such as the following.
White Noise Machines
Do you notice that whenever there is some sound in the room, your tinnitus is greatly minimized? This is true for many patients; if it's true for you, then you'll probably benefit from using a white noise machine. These machines can be set to make gentle background noises, such as the sound of rolling waves, nature sounds, or the low rumble of traffic in the distance. By giving your brain some actual noise to process, they help prevent the ringing noise of tinnitus. Consider placing a white noise machine in any location that's usually quiet, such as the bedroom or office.
A drug that was initially designed for the treatment of anxiety, alprazolam has been shown to provide relief from tinnitus in some patients. The only real way to know whether this drug will work for you is to try it. It is not safe for pregnant women, those who have glaucoma, or those who drink heavily. Possible side effects include drowsiness, agitation, and memory problems. If you decide to try alprazolam for your tinnitus, make sure you watch out for these side effects and discuss them with your doctor if they do appear. In some cases, lowering your dose will allow you to experience tinnitus relief without such worry of side effects.
Hearing Aids
It's common for those with tinnitus to also experience some degree of hearing loss. Your hearing loss my be so minimal that you barely notice it, but it should show up when your doctor tests your hearing. If you have some hearing loss, then a hearing aid is likely to address the tinnitus as well as the hearing loss. The hearing aid will amplify sounds in the environment so that your brain focuses on them instead of the ringing noise of tinnitus. Keep in mind that today's hearing aids are tiny and virtually undetectable unless someone stares closely at your ears. They're a safe and simple choice for tinnitus relief in those whose tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss.