Treatments For Painful Bunions

15 May 2015
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Bunions are a bony formation that occur at the base of your big toes. Most commonly, your big toe will push towards your other toes. Your big toe might start crossing over your second toe. While you may have bunions for a long time that don't cause pain, when they start to hurt it is time to consider your treatment options. Your feet carry all of your body weight, and when you walk, your bunion areas bear the brunt of this weight. Left untreated, you may start to have trouble walking because of the pain.

Poor Fitting Shoes Can Cause Bunions To Form

There is more than one reason to stop wearing tight fitting, high-heeled shoes, and bunions are one of them. Over time, you can cause bunions to form when you wear tight fitting shoes. Shoes that force your foot downward (as with high heels), and compress your toes together at the same time, are the worst culprit for causing bunion formation. If your feet are not comfortable in a pair of shoes, you need to consider other options.

At Home Treatments To Reduce Bunion Pain

There are a number of at home treatments you can try to relieve bunion pain if you are not ready for more intensive treatment. Other than wearing more supportive shoes, you can try:

  • Exercising by swimming instead of walking to reduce weight bearing activities.
  • Taking an over-the-counter regularly for bunion pain, but talk with your doctor about what would work best.
  • Icing the bunion for ten to twenty minutes at a time to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Using moleskin placed between the bunion and your shoe to avoid friction.
  • Consult with a podiatrist about custom orthotics to relieve pressure and support your foot.

When At Home Treatments Aren't Enough

If you believe you have tried everything and you are still suffering from bunion pain, it is probably time for you to have corrective surgery. There are a number of surgeries that can be done to repair bunions. Talk with your doctor about the surgery they are considering, and ask any questions that you have about the process. Most bunion surgeries are done on an outpatient basis using a regional anesthetic and possible sedatives to keep you calm.

Once you have bunion surgery, you must take some precautions as you heal. You will have stitches from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the extent of your surgery. While you should be able to resume to most normal activities after six to eight weeks, wearing a pair of normal shoes may take longer. It takes time for your bones to heal after bunion surgery, and you may not experience a full recovery until up to a year post surgery.

For more information, contact a specialist like Atlantic Foot & Ankle Group.
